What is safer for light mopeds, carriageway or bicycle track?


Track records of the Moped On the Carriageway measure, introduced in 1999, suggest that also for light-moped riders the carriageway is safer than the bicycle track, provided they wear helmets when using the carriageway [59]. On the basis of in-depth studies of light-moped crashes, the question has been raised whether speed differences between light-moped riders and motor vehicles on 50km/h carriageways are not too great [60]. In Amsterdam, initial track records of light mopeds on the carriageway show that carriageways are safer than bicycle tracks for helmeted light-moped riders [61].

In 2018, the Decision Local separation bicycle and light moped was adopted, which enabled road authorities to designate roads where helmeted light-moped riders should use the carriageway instead of the bicycle track if so indicated by means of subsigns. Since April 2019, light-moped riders in Amsterdam have been obliged to use the carriageway on most roads within the A10 ring road. These are mostly distributor roads with a speed limit of 50 km/h. An initial evaluation by the municipality of Amsterdam [61] shows that the number of light-moped trips has decreased by about 50%, and the number of registered crashes has decreased even more. Figures from the Netherlands Vehicle Authority give rise to the conclusion that light-moped possession in the area where the measure applies has decreased, while moped possession has also slightly dropped. A conflict analysis at three intersections suggests that the number of conflicts per crossing (light) moped has also dropped [61]. What is needed to draw more definitive conclusions is a longer period of evaluation and introduction of the measure in other cities.

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Infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists

A safe infrastructure is of vital importance to pedestrians and cyclists. In 2010-2019, 40% of the number of road deaths were pedestrians… Meer

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