2016 road safety statistics : what is behind the figures?


European roads remain the safest in the world: in 2016, the EU counted 50 road fatalities per one million inhabitants, against 174 deaths per million globally. Last year marked a turning point in reducing road fatalities: after two years of stagnation, the number of those who lost their lives on the roads was reduced by 2%. 25,500 people were killed in 2016, 600 fewer than in 2015 and 6,000 fewer than in 2010. This represents a 19% reduction over the last six years. While reaching the strategic target of halving the number of road deaths between 2010 and 2020 is still an extreme challenge, it worth trying as every single saved life matters. As a comparison point, fatalities were cut by 43% between 2001 and 2010. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20170204 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission, 2017, 4 p.; Fact Sheet / MEMO/17/675

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