ADVERTS Assessing Distraction of Vehicle drivers in Europe from Roadside Technology-based Signage. Deliverable D1.1b: Roadside advertising : an inventory of current practices and future trends.

Boets, S. Vandemeulebroek, F. & Daniels, S.

The main objective of the ADVERTS project is to compile and disseminate recommendations for road authorities on how to deal with issues related to distraction from roadside advertising (RsA), in particular also digital advertising. The present deliverable analyses existing guidelines and regulations on roadside advertising in a large number of countries inside and outside Europe. It shows that countries vary a lot in the level of detail of their regulations and recommendations. It also shows that there is more regulation for the placement of billboards than for their design and content. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20180509 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels], Conference of European Directors of Road CEDR, 2018, 94 p.; CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme

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