Alcoholgebruik door beroepschauffeurs : een inventariserend onderzoek. In opdracht van Trindeborch Consult.

Heidstra, J. & Mathijssen, M.P.M.

This report describes a literature study into alcohol consumption by professional drivers. To get an idea of the size of the problem, an inventory was made of the following four indicators of professional driversÆ alcohol consumption in the Netherlands and abroad: accident data, observed behaviour, police control results, and self-reported behaviour. The data found indicates that; in general, and among Dutch drivers in particular, alcohol consumption during working hours is not a common and widespread phenomenon. During alcohol controls, only small percentages of professional drivers are above the legal limit. In the Netherlands they are considerably lower than in non-professional traffic. Although the indicators together give a reasonable impression of professional drivers in the Netherlands, they each have their limitations concerning validity and representivity. Based on the limited data found, the costs of alcohol consumption by professional drivers are difficult to estimate. The danger of drinking and driving is many times greater for heavy vehicles than for private ones. Therefore, the same is true for the costs and possible savings concerning drunk driving, Preventative programmes can be divided into laws, and collective and individual company measures. Collective labour agreements/contracts in the transport sector take alcohol consumption into account. However, there seems to be little interest for and belief in the existence of a problem.


Library number
C 14304 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD E201647

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1999, 34 p., 29 ref.; R-99-24

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