Ausbildungs- und Evaluationskonzept zur Optimierung der Fahrausbildung in Deutschland

[Development of a training and evaluation concept for optimising driver training in Germany]
Sturzbecher, D.; Brünken, R.; Bredow, B.; Genschow, J.; Ewald, S.; Klüver, M.

Professional driver training in a driving school acts as a central point of reference for all other measures of novice driver preparation: it must provide the starting point, a professional guideline and the coordination for further development of the whole system of novice driver preparation. However, the current driver training cannot comprehensively meet these requirements. It lacks both important pedagogical-psychological control instruments (e. g. competence framework, training plan, evaluation concept) as well as technical-structural measures for its further development within the frame-work of the overall system of novice driver preparation (e. g. an expert commission).
In the present project a concept for optimising the driver training for the acquisition of a category B driving license was developed in order to remedy the abovementioned deficits. At the core of this concept lie a competence framework and a training plan. In the competence framework, both the competences required for the acquisition of driving and traffic skills as well as the associated competence standards and minimum training content were defined according to current scientific standards. On this basis, the minimum training content was integrated in the training plan; therefore, content-related, pedagogical-psychological and subject-didactical aspects were considered in order to match training content with the various teaching-learning forms (independent theory learning, theory classes, practical driving instruction) and to arrange the sequencing of the training content with regards to the teaching-learning process. Moreover, in the present project instructional design recommendations were made with respect to different types of media and various methodological approaches that can be used to enhance independent theory learning and to carry out theory classes. Finally, a robust implementation plan and a suitable evaluation concept were described, with which the effectiveness of the optimised driver training can be further increased during the implementation phase (formative evaluation) and then summarily reviewed (summative evaluation).

Report number
Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Reihe M: Mensch und Sicherheit
Library number
20220278 ST [electronic version only]
Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, Bergisch Gladbach

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