Bibliography of integrated seat and occupant restraint design, final report. Volume III of IV, Appendix B.

Highway Safety Research Information Center

Man has always been faced with the problem of organizing information in order to make the best use of it. Two ways of organizing information are (1) categorizing (logical grouping of associated information), and (2) indexing (systematically selecting and arranging the information so that special information can be located quickly when needed). Both approaches have been used in this bibliography. The bibliography contains around six hundred and fifty bibliographic references, and their abstract (when available). Associated references are grouped into ten subject categories to facilitate browsing. Within each subject category the references are in order by personal or corporate author and publication date (or by title if no author was known). References pertinent to several subject categories are entered in each relevant category.


Library number
B 4197 [electronic version only]

Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute HSRI, 1967, 149 p., 650 ref.; RFP-142 / Project No. 7A / Final Report on Contract FH-11-6685 / NTIS PB176163

Our collection

This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.