Compaction of coated macadam by a bomag bw 75adl vibratory roller.

Nunn, M.E.

The performance of a bomag bw 75adl 1.3 tonne vibratory roller has been compared with a 9 tonne tandem deadweight roller. With a rolling temperature in the range 100-140 deg c, the small vibratory roller successfully compacted a 75 mm layer of basecourse as well as the much larger deadweight roller. On a more difficult to compact dense roadbase macadam the lightweight vibratory roller was less effective; a somewhat heavier vibratory roller, but still lighter than 9 tonne, would be required to achieve the same compaction. The trials described in this report indicate broad areas where light weight vibratory rollers might be used. In practice it may be necessary to confirm that they achieve the required results for a given material, layer depth and rolling temperature. This may be a requirement for all compaction plant in some specifications. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 40243 [electronic version only] /31 /52 / IRRD 287412

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1985, 4 p., 2 ref.; TRRL Research Report ; RR 56 - ISSN 0266-5247

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