Computer simulation and vehicle front optimisation

Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA) dedicated conference on road and vehicle safety, Aachen, Germany, 13th-17th September 1993
Sluis, J. van der
The influence of the stiffness and shape of a car-front on injuries of bicyclists caused by side collisions was studied by computer simulation. Simulation was a suitable method in this case because of two reasons: variation of shape and stiffness is more difficult to perform in case of an experimental model than when a computer model is used. Furthermore experimental simulation results were available to verify the standard simulation. Simulation gives the opportunity to vary a large number of parameter. In the study discussed in this paper however, only the influence of the bonnet angle was investigated. From the performed mathematical simulations it is concluded that a greater bonnet angle has a positive effect on the head acceleration. This effect also occurs when a windscreen is simulated. (A)
Published in
Working together for a better future
Conference city
Aachen, Germany
Date conference
13-17 September 1993
Automotive Automation Limited, Croydon

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