De invloed van kortere remtijden op de verkeersveiligheid : beschouwingen over een gecombineerd gas- en rempedaal.

Kampen, L.T.B. van & Schoon, C.C.

A combined accelerator-brake pedal in passenger cars is a device that combines the accelerating and braking functions in one pedal. This device is known as the CAB system. The aim of the CAB system is to save the time that is normally spent in moving the foot from the accelerator to the brake pedal. It is asserted that in an emergency situation either the accident risk or the serious outcome of an accident can be reduced by the gain in time. This paper investigates whether the literature regarding this assertion is indeed correct. The paper provides statements about the real road safety gain caused by the CAB system. It is concluded that the literature used gives a clear indication that a further road safety improvement is possible by shortening the brake reaction time. The paper briefly describes alternative systems for the brake distance improvement. These systems include: (1) the Advanced Brake Light Device (ABLD). The ABLD system enables that the braking lights are energized sooner than they would be normally; (2) the third brake light; and (3) the anti-locking braking system (ABS). Another possibility for improving the brake distance is to improve the driving behaviour.


Library number
C 2891 [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD 867112

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1991, 29 p., 9 ref.; R-91-21

SWOV publication

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