Die Erfassung van LBsungsmitteln bei der automatschenBlutalkoholbestimmung mit dom Multifrakt F 40

Rauck,G., J.Janzen und H.P.Terfloth

Gaschromatografie biood alcohol detormination according tothe head spaee method and the automated Multifract F 40have turned out to be very useful. The former usedpolyethylene glycol column however could not separate verywell the peaks of ethanols and test. butanol.In this article a deseription is given of the new 1iollcomidcolumn as a staionary phase, in which these substances aredearly separated.

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Library number
A 5181 T IRRD 56571

In:Blutalkohol 1 (1970) no.l, jan., p.68/75

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