A dose response study of diazepam (valium) and 4306 ob (tranxilen) during prolonged simulated car driving.

Dureman, I. Björkstrand, P.A. Stening, G. & Westholm, K.

The aim of this study was to compare the defects of two sedative drugs, Diazepam (valium) and 4306 cb (Tranxilen) during prolonged simulated car driving on 1- Performance (speed, steering errors and reaction time), 2- Physiological activation level (respirator frequency, skin conductance level, heart rate) and 3- Subjective experience. The subjects had two hours of practice before the experiment. The doses for both Diazepam (V) and 4306 cb (T) were varied from the first day to the second.

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Library number
A 1896

Uppsala, Department of Psychology, 1968, 36 p.; Report 54.

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