Effects of advertising billboards during simulated driving.

Edquist, J. Horberry, T. Hosking, S. & Johnston, I.

There is currently a great deal of interest in the problem of driver distraction. Most research focuses on distractions from inside the vehicle, but drivers can also be distracted by objects outside the vehicle. Major roads are increasingly becoming sites for advertising billboards, and there is little research on the potential effects of this advertising on driving performance. The driving simulator experiment presented here examines the effects of billboards on drivers, including older and inexperienced drivers who may be more vulnerable to distractions. The presence of billboards changed drivers’ patterns of visual attention, increased the amount of time needed for drivers to respond to road signs, and increased the number of errors in this driving task. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 50458 [electronic version only] /83 /

Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 42 (2011), No. 4 (May), p. 619-626, 32 ref.

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