Effektivität und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Streustofflagerung. [Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of spreading material storage.] Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt 03.0554 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt.

Holldorb, C. Cypra, T. & Pape, H.

For dimensioning of necessary spreading material storage capacities for the winter road service, differentiated specifications and recommendations are already available. However, a systematic evaluation of the different storage concepts (hall and/or silo storage) is lacking, especially with regard to operational and economic aspects, which take into account the entire life cycle of the plants. Within the framework of this R&D project, different concepts were evaluated on basis of a comprehensive operational-organisational and constructional analysis, salt loading surveys and a life cycle cost calculation. Sample solutions were developed for these depending on the operating conditions. The results are documented in the draft of the notes for storage and loading of spreading materials for winter services (Hinweise für die Lagerung und Beladung von Streustoffen für den Winterdienst – H LaStreu). Part of H LaStreu are sample solutions for 8 standardised storage variants and 4 construction variants. In addition, the H LaStreu sample building books were appended, which contain information on monitoring. The spreading material storage on a operation centre should take place in salt halls, on additional depots silos are recommended with storage capacities up to approx. 500 t. As a rule, it should be possible to load dry salt and brine in parallel at least at 2 locations. For operational and ergonomic reasons, a weather-protected placement of the loading areas is advisable for hall storage. A height offset of approx. 1.50 m between the level of the winter service vehicle and the shunting area of the wheel loader is also advisable. The brine production system should be located in the gritting hall if it is filled with a wheel loader. As an alternative to a hall gate, a hall which is open or partially open at the front with a canopy and/or sufficient operating area in front of the storage area can also be provided. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20210772 ST [electronic version only]

Bergisch Gladbach, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 2021, 87 + 1 + 52 p., 20 ref.; Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen : Verkehrstechnik ; Heft V 351 - ISSN 0943-9331 / ISBN 978-3-95606-626-9

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