Evaluatie van het toezicht op snelheid op 80- en 100 km/uur-wegen in Friesland : rapportage over fase 0, 1 en 2.

Oei, H.-l. & Goldenbeld, C.

In 1994, a speed enforcement campaign was conducted on 39 roads of the provincial network in the Dutch province of Friesland. The whole campaign was conducted during two phases: three months before and three months after the summer holidays. Before the start and during the campaign information about the operation was given through the regional media. The evaluation of the campaign consisted of the following parts: (1) an interpretation of the registered driving speeds; (2) a survey among drivers in order to evaluate the social acceptance of the automatic speed enforcement; and (3) an evaluation by the police. The percentage of vehicles speeding on the 100 km/h roads was a few percent before and during the campaign. For the 80 km/h roads this percentage was lowered in Phase 1 for the roads closed for slow vehicle types from 42% to 32%, and for roads closed for bicycles and mopeds from 37% to 29%. Speed data in Phase 2 showed a relatively large group of cars driving very slow, and of cars driving very fast. The survey showed that the automatic speed enforcement was accepted by 75% of the drivers. The police encountered problems during planning and conducting the speed enforcement, for a greater part as a result of the national reorganisation of the police force.


Library number
C 3855 [electronic version only] /73 /83 / IRRD 875254

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1995, 59 p., 13 ref.; R-95-24

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