The evaluation of aids to the daytime conspicuity of motorcycles.

Donne, G.L. & Fulton, E.J.

Studies indicate that there are many cases in which a contributory factor in accidents is the failure of other road users to see motorcycles. TRRL and ice have investigated this problem and made assessments of means of enhancing the conspicuity of motorcyclists. Early experimental work of various forms showed that either the use of a large dipped headlamp or a pair of specially-designed running lamps considerably enhances conspicuity in daylight. This report describes field trials to assess a wide range of lighting arrangements to determine whether there are simple and cheap options which are effective. A small number of options, previously found to be effective, was examined using a newly-developed technique which was representative of field conditions. The results of earlier work were confirmed in that the use of a large, powerful headlamp, pairs of running lamps or fluorescent clothing were found to improve the conspicuity of a motorcyclist. An important finding was that of the effect of environmental features on the benefits obtained from the use of such measures and a strong recommendation is made that a study be made of accidents to determine the potential role of conspicuity aids. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 40099 [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD 282421

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1985, 23 p., 4 ref.; TRRL Laboratory Report ; LR 1137 - ISSN 0305-1293

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