Evaluation der Zielgruppenprogramme 'Kind und Verkehr' (DVR, DVW) und 'Kinder im Straßenverkehr' (DVW)

Phase II. [Evaluation of the target group programmes 'Child and Traffic' (DVR, DVW) and 'Children in Road Traffic' (DVW) - phase II.] Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt 81.0013 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt.
Funk, W. Bender, D. Rossnagel, T. Barth, A. Bochert, M. Detert, F. Erhardt, L. Hellwagner, T. Hummel, T. Karg, V.M. Kondrasch, J. Schubert, H. & Zensen, R.

The first part of this evaluation examines the effect of the implementation of the 'parent event' format by specially trained moderators in the 'Child and Traffic' (KuV) programme of the German Road Safety Council (DVR) and its member associations. For this purpose, 3,854 parents were interviewed up to three times in a test / control group design. In addition, there is also data for an 'Event data sheet' for 254 parent events and a 'Facility data sheet' for 261 participating kindergartens. 339 volunteers took part in the separate moderator survey. In the course of the impact evaluation it becomes clear that KuV primarily reaches interested parents with a comparatively higher school education and without a migration background ('middle class bias'), who already express themselves positively on aspects of traffic education before the event ('ceiling effects'). In summary, the findings show that parents of preschool children have been sufficiently successfully addressed in terms of sensitisation and support with the aim of increasing their children's road safety. The findings of the impact evaluation of KuV therefore speak in favour of further funding of the target group programme by the BMVI, with the requirement of broadening the base of the target group parents reached. The second part of the report examines the impact of the 'Children in Road Traffic' (KiS) programme of the German Traffic Watch (DVW), in which specially trained moderators offer counselling sessions for nursery school teachers. A total of 69 day-care centres participated in panel surveys up to three times and 385 in a one-off retrospective survey. 265 volunteers took part in the KiS moderator survey. In summary, one objective of KiS can be described as unrestrictedly achieved (continuous support), one as largely achieved (anchoring of road safety work) and one as achieved with restrictions (consultation, support and qualification). These findings of the impact evaluation speak in favour of the further funding of KiS by the BMVI. According to moderators and target groups, the compliance with the implementation rules of KuV and KiS is largely guaranteed. Starting points for the optimization of KuV and KiS are shown. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20210109 ST [electronic version only]

Bergisch Gladbach, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 2021, 597 p., ref.; Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen : Mensch und Sicherheit ; Heft M 308 - ISSN 0943-9315 / ISBN 978-3-95606-557-6

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