Evaluation des Zielgruppenprogramms 'Aktion junge Fahrer' (DVW) : Phase II. [Evaluation of the target group programme 'Campaign Young Driver' (DVW) : phase II.] Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt 81.0014 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt.

Funk, W. Rossnagel, T. Bender, D. Barth, A. Bochert, M. Detert, F. Erhardt, L. Hellwagner, T. Hummel, T. Karg, V.M. Kondrasch, J. Schubert, H. & Zensen, R.

The present evaluation examines the effect of so called 'road safety days' at schools in the 'Campaign Young Driver' ('Aktion junge Fahrer', AjF) programme of the German Traffic Watch (Deutsche Verkehrswacht, DVW). For this purpose, 5,227 adolescents and young adults were interviewed up to three times in a test / control group design. In addition, there is also data available from an 'event data sheet' for 190 campaign events. 270 volunteers took part in the separate survey of DVW members active in AjF. Due to the survey design young participants and non-participants in AjF slightly differ with regard to socio-demographic characteristics and the status regarding their presence on the road. However, AjF does not encounter a target group that is selective with a particular affinity to the topic of “road safety”. The objectives of AjF – i.e. to convey the adolescents and young adults a more adequate selfassessment, an increased sensitisation for hazards, and a safer behaviour in road traffic – are only partly achieved. In the short term there partly appear changes in attitudes in the target group that contradict the objectives of AjF. But also a better assessment of the ability to detect, to avoid and to cope with hazards as well as a more pronounced hazard perception can be observed. In the long term the quantitative pre / post measurements of the survey items occasionally show effects that are consistent with the objectives of AjF. By means of the subjective self-assessments of the adolescents predominantly positive effects of AjF can be hypothesized. Regarding the compliance there appears to be a great heterogeneity in the practical implementation of AjF that, inter alia, points to a missing qualification of the DVW volunteers. In total the impact evaluation shows the fundamental potential of the target group programme AjF. Based on a variety of findings it appears that the programme part 'project component' is to a large extent not perceived by DVW volunteers like it is defined in its original concept and hardly implemented according to the guidelines. Further funding of AjF by the German Federal Ministry of Transport (BMVI) should be conditional to the implementation of the whole width of the particular programme ('action elements' and 'project components'). The evaluation report ends with introducing starting points for the optimisation of the target group programme with regard to programme content, programme organization and programme control. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20210094 ST [electronic version only]

Bergisch Gladbach, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 2021, 398 p., ref.; Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen : Mensch und Sicherheit ; Heft M 307 - ISSN 0943-9315 / ISBN 978-3-95606-556-9

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