Fahranfängerbefragung 2014

17-jährige Teilnehmer und 18-jährige Nichtteilnehmer am Begleiteten Fahren
Funk, W. & Schrauth, B.

In the "German Novice Driver Survey 2014" 2.478 participants in the measure "Accompanied Driving from Age 17" (AD17) were questioned shortly after the beginning of their phase of attendance. 834 of these 17-year old novice drivers also participated in a second survey carried out about the end of their time of accompanied driving. Additional data stems from 783 attendants. Simultaneously 925 18-year old novice drivers were surveyed once during the first three months of their driving license ownership. From 373 of these novice drivers, assignable data stemming from the adolescents' parents are available. AD17-participants start their driver training about 1.8 months before their 17th birthday. On average, adolescents spend 8.4 months in AD17 and thereby drive approximately 2,500 kilometres. Almost a quarter of the youth makes use of the maximum possible period of twelve months and thereby delivers a mileage of more than 3,600 kilometres. Driver training of 18-year old novices started about 2.8 months before their 18th birthday. Most of the 18-year olds reported a lack of time as a cause for their decision not to participate in the AD17-measure. Furthermore these findings indicate a knowledge deficit among young adults regarding the impact model of gaining driving experience through accompanied driving and therefore a lack of communication in the context of novice driver preparation. 18-year old novices deliver an annual mileage of approximately 5,300 kilometres. The report introduces basic data about a variety of aspects regarding the exposure and driving behaviour of 17-year old and 18-year old novice drivers. For AD17-participants aspects of communication while driving accompanied as well as attitudes towards AD17 and perspectives for its further development are reported. Above all, optimization potential regarding the extension of the length of stay in AD17, the increase of the mileage, the influence on training quality and the broadening of the participation rate are seen in measures of traffic education. Corresponding starting points of road safety communication are outlined. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20180497 ST [electronic version only]

Bergisch Gladbach, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 2018, 53 + [497] p., ref.; Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen : Mensch und Sicherheit ; Heft M 284 - ISSN 0943-9315 / ISBN 978-3-95606-408-1

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