Guide to traffic management

Part 5: Road management
Bennett, D. Veith, G. Freeman, P. Prodanovic, M. & Bliss, J.

The Austroads Guide to Traffic Management has 13 parts and provides a comprehensive coverage of traffic management guidance for practitioners involved in traffic engineering, road design and road safety. Part 5 - Road Management is concerned with traffic management on sections of road between major intersections. It focuses on traffic management issues and treatments related to various situations and but not provide dimensions or other details for the design of treatments as these are provided in Austroads Guide to Road Design. Guidance on traffic management at intersections is provided in Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 6 - Intersections, Interchanges and Crossings. Part 5 presents detailed information and guidelines relating to the factors that need to be considered in applying traffic management techniques and treatments to road types that include, freeways/motorways, urban arterial roads, urban local roads, rural highways and rural local roads. It considers the needs of all road users including pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, heavy vehicles and public transport. Part 5 provides the guidance under the four key areas of access management, road space allocation, lane management and speed limits. (a).

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Report number
90 p.
Library number
C 46473 /72 / ITRD E216328

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