How and why learning theories are taught in current Dutch teacher education programs

Identifying a gap between paradigm and reality in teacher education
Meij, E.; Smis, A.; Meeter, M.

A teacher should arguably know about learning theories (LTs) in order to make daily pedagogical decisions. However, little literature exists on the role of LTs in teacher education. Eight Dutch teacher educators were interviewed on LTs in their curriculum. LTs were unanimously considered important but huge variation was found in what and how LTs are taught. Several functions of LTs were mentioned, with underpinning of pedagogical decisions using LT considered to be the essence of higher education. However, respondents doubted whether this is ever achieved. This suggests an additional paradigm – reality gap in teacher education.

Published in
Teaching and Teacher Education
109 (January)
Library number
20230081 ST [electronic version only]

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