Its a long way to become an expert and a smart cyclist.

C.R.O.W. Record No. 9
Wittink, R.D.
This paper is about the role that education might play to promote both safe cycling and bicycle use in the Netherlands. The conclusions are as follows: (1) An intensive training programme of cycling skills is needed; (2) Training of defensive behaviour must enable the cyclist to keep control of traffic situations; (3) Education programmes to promote safe traffic behaviour must be directed both at cyclists themselves and other vehicle drivers; (4) Regulations must be known and understood to cope with traffic; (5) Social cognition must be developed to realise cooperation with other road users; (6) Recommendations governing road conduct are a useful way of translating understanding into sensible strategies and behaviour; (7) Sanctioning of behaviour is needed to intensify social responsibility; (8) The infrastructure and traffic regulations should be better matched to the interests of cyclists; (9) Safe traffic conduct must relate to conditions for efficient and environmentally aware behaviour. Good and fast bicycle routes will encourage cycling and are also an effective way to combat traffic violations; and (10) it takes many years for the cyclist to learn to become a sensible, smart and skilled rider.

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Published in
Cycling in the city, pedalling in the polder.
Michels, T. (ed).
Centre for Research and Contract Standardization in Civil and Traffic Engineering C.R.O.W, Ede

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