Medische rijgeschiktheid : advies van een commissie van de Gezondheidsraad aan de minister en de staatssecretaris van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur WVC en de minister van Verkeer en Waterstaat : herziening advies 1985.

Gezondheidsraad, Beraadsgroep Geneeskunde

During the past thirty years the Health Council of the Netherlands issued several advisory reports on medical aspects of fitness-to-drive. This fourth document presents a revision of the 1985 advisory report. For that purpose the committee studied the revelant scientific literature and consulted a large number of medical experts in the field concerned. The European directive on medical fitness-to-drive, which in the near future will be implemented in the Netherlands, has also been considered by the committee. However, the committee has chosen, on the basis of scientific evidence, to formulate some parts of the guidelines proposed in this report less stricly than those given in the European directive. The committee has attempted to phrase the guidelines in clear and specific terms in order to minimize interpretational differences.

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Library number
941286 ST [electronic version only]

's-Gravenhage, Gezondheidsraad, 1994, 64 p., 48 ref.; Publikatie ; No. 1994/04 - ISBN 90-5549-035-0

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