National travel survey 2011.


This Statistical Release presents information on personal travel in Great Britain during 2011. The 2011 National Travel Survey (NTS) is the latest in an established series of household surveys of personal travel in Great Britain. The survey is primarily designed to track long-term development of trends in travel, although short-term changes can also be detected. NTS data is collected via two main sources - interviews with people in their homes, and a diary that they keep for a week to record their travel. The NTS covers travel by all age groups, including children. In 2011, diary data was collected from 7,700 households, covering over 18,000 individuals. This is slightly less than in previous years due to a small subsample being used for an experiment to collect data using a GPS device. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 51423 [electronic version only] /72 /

London, Department for Transport DfT, 2012, 16 p.

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