Onvoorzien gebruik van een plattelandswegennet : verslag van een verkeersonderzoek in de ruilverkaveling "Het Land van Heusden en Altena" in 1961-1965.

Hoogeland, G.D.

The damage caused by an apparent overload on some roads in a particular rural area necessitated a traffic count, with an origin-destination investigation. Differences in traffic densities and in annual daily averages at some road junctions are compared with results obtained from an earlier investigation. It is shown that the overload is caused by the lacking of a main through road in the area. The method of counting, together with traffic intensity measurements, is presented in a supplement with graphs and diagrams.

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Library number
B 3849 /20/60/

Utrecht, Cultuurtechnische Dienst, 1967, 25 p. + app., fig., graph., tab.; Medelingen No. 71.

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