Pilotversuch des Rechtsabbiegens von Rad Fahrenden bei Rot

[Pilot test of the turning right of cyclists on red]
Niestegge, M.; Schüller, H.; Hantschel, S.; Schröter, B.; Gerike, R.

Changes in mobility behavior toward environmentally friendly transport options are directly associated with an increase in the desire to cycle. With a growing number of cyclists on the road, the question was raised whether and under what conditions cyclists should be allowed to turn right on red at traffic intersections. The pilot test for right turns on red for cyclists was established through the installment of green arrows at 43 separate pilot sites in nine cities. The pilot sites were comprised of various combinations of cycling facilities located at the affected access and exit points of the examined junctions. The pilot sites included both situations of mixed traffic as well as those with cycle lanes or cycle paths at the entrance and/or exit. When selecting the pilot sites, the exclusion criteria gathered from previous studies and legal regulations for the arrangement of a green arrow system (VwV-StVO to § 37 para. 2 StVO, No. XI) were taken into account. The study was made up of several components. These included: a description of the legal and technical framework as well as a comparison between other international pilot tests and between their regulations concerning right turns on red for cyclists. The design of the traffic signal was addressed, followed by the typology of infrastructure at junctions, the selection of pilot sites, and a before-and-after comparison to evaluate possible changes in the behavior of the affected traffic participants. In the pilot test, traffic volumes of conflict-prone areas for cyclists, motor vehicles, and pedestrians were surveyed. In addition, traffic behavior was evaluated for red-light recognition and compliance with the obligation to stop, including waiting times, turning speeds, interactions and conflict parameters, and lines of movement. Analysis of accident occurrence at each pilot site for cyclists turning right was also carried out. As a result, the acceptance of the green arrow was assessed, taking into account the obligation to stop, the interaction rates, and the interaction intensities of right-turning cyclists. Factors influencing the interaction rates were also evaluated. In conclusion, general conditions and recommendations for the establishment of right turn on red for cyclists are addressed.

Report number
89 + 48
Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Reihe V: Verkehrstechnik
Library number
20220162 ST [electronic version only]

Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt 82.0690 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt

Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, Bergisch Gladbach

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