The prediction of noise from road construction sites.

Harland, D.G. & Martin, D.J.

A method is described for predicting the energy equivalent continuous noise level (leq) for road construction sites. The method involves a basic equation to calculate leq in terms of a reference noise level together with corrections for distance attenuation over hard and soft ground; the angle of view of the noise-making process; and the frequency of the process repetition. Consideration is given to combining leq levels from different operations and the screening effects of barriers. The prediction method has been tested by comparing calculated leq values with field measurements, and the rms deviation between the predicted and measured values was 2.1 db(a). the use of the method is discussed with reference to the noise control legislation applicable to road construction. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 39695 [electronic version only] /50 /93 / IRRD 225517

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1977, 30 p., 16 ref.; TRRL Laboratory Report ; LR 756

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