A reappraisal of ambient conditions satisfactory for site painting of steel bridges.

Bishop, R.R. & Winnett, M.A.

Current codes if rigidly enforced, preclude highway bridge painting on site throughout the winter and much of the spring and autumn in an average year. The temperature must be not less than 4 degree Celcius and the relative humidity not above 90%. as the real criterion is to avoid painting on wet surfaces a change of emphasis away from relative humidity measurements is suggested. A simple wetness detector has been developed using the principle of a resistance change between two electrodes in the presence of moisture. The complete system enabled readings of surface wetness air and steel surface temperatures to be collected over monthly intervals on a battery operated chart recorder. The results of 14 months measurements on four structures is described. Steelwork sheltered by concrete decks on tall compositely constructed viaducts over land was dry for a very large proportion of the year. It is implied that the painting season for some structures could be extended. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 39786 [electronic version only] /53 / IRRD 234608

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1978, 20 p., 12 ref.; TRRL Laboratory Report ; LR 839

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