The reliability of electronically controlled systems on vehicles. Prepared for the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA).

Knight, I. Eaton, A. & Whitehead, D.

Vehicle safety and environmental protection is increasingly dependent on the correct functioning of electronically controlled systems. At present there is insufficient data about the reliability of these systems and how this could be checked. This programme aims to address this issue by examining the performance of some current systems and developing test procedures for use in periodic and other inspections. In order to do this effectively it is important to examine data on the in-service reliability of such systems. This report looks at reliability data collected from a number of sources across Europe and aims to provide the basis for the development of test procedures for current electronically controlled systems. This enables research effort to be prioritised for those systems that are seen to be least reliable and provides a benchmark against which it is possible to measure the effectiveness of any periodic test procedures that might be introduced. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 42251 [electronic version only]

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 2001, 67 p.; Unpublished Project Report ; No. UPR PR/SE/101/00

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