Rewards and road user behaviour : an investigation of the effects of reward programs on safety belt use. Proefschrift Rijksuniversiteit Leiden RUL, Leiden.

Hagenzieker, M.P.

It has been traditional practice in the traffic system for desired behaviour to be stimulated by regulations and laws, resulting in the punishment of offences. Until recently, modifying road user behaviour by rewards has not been given much attention in the practice of road safety. The aim of this monograph was to get a better understanding of the possible role of rewards in influencing road user behaviour. To this end, some theoretical notions related to the assumed effects of rewards on behaviour were considered, as well as the role of rewards in other fields of application, and an overview of past studies that have been conducted in this area was presented. The main questions that were addressed are: whether rewards are effective in modifying individual road user behaviour, which types of reward (programs) are more effective than other ones, which other conditions or circumstances mediate this effectiveness, and whether reward programs can be succesfully applied on a larger scale. (A)


Library number
C 12606 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD E201279

[S.l., s.n.], 1999, V + 138 p., 251 ref. - ISBN 90-9012343-1

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