Rijbewijs B

te veel bevoegdheden ?
Bos, J.M.J. & Twisk, D.A.M.

Driving lessons in the Netherlands are aimed at learning to drive in a standard passenger car. After obtaining Driving Licence B, it is also permitted, however, to drive other vehicle types such as delivery vans and cars with trailers. In this study it is investigated whether the examination requirements for Driving Licence B are sufficient for safe road use by delivery vans and cars with trailers. Recommendations are made concerning regulations around the Driving Licence B whereby a short inventory is made of international experiences in this field.


Library number
C 12706 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD E201344

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1999, 76 p., 7 ref.; R-98-67

SWOV publication

This is a publication by SWOV, or that SWOV has contributed to.