The road safety attitudes, practices and crash experiences of young adults : a pilot study. A report prepared for the Alcohol Advisory Council.

Begg, D.J. McCool, J. & Langley, J.D.

The primary aim of the pilot project was to develop the procedures necessary to undertake the main study of risky traffic behaviours and crash experiences among young adults. The main objectives were to (i) develop a structured questionnaire that included (a) a section on a critical incident that covered all of the stages of a drinking event and included all of the critical points associated with each stage of this event and (b) questions relating to other risky traffic practices; and (ii) to begin to develop a coding frame for the coding of the data obtained in the interviews. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
C 28396 [electronic version only]

Dunedin, University of Otago, Injury Prevention Research Unit IPRU, 1997, 19 p., 9 ref.; Occasional Report Series ; No. 15 - ISBN 0-908958-17-X

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