Run-off-road collision avoidance using IVHS countermeasures, Task 3, Volume I.

Pomerleau, D.A. Kumar, P. Everson, J. Lazofson, L. & Kopala, E.

The Run-Off-Road Collision Avoidance Using IVHS Countermeasures program is to address the single vehicle crash problem through application of technology to prevent and/or reduce the severity of these crashes. This report describes the findings of the Task 3 effort. Task 3 focused on testing of existing technology to meet the functional goals for run-off-road countermeasures identified in Task 2. These tests included all aspects of countermeasure performance, including sensing functions, algorithm or decision making functions and driver interface functions. Tests of existing technology were performed using a range of techniques and facilities, including laboratory experiments, in-vehicle tests and driving simulator tests. Two primary categories of run-off-road countermeasure technologies were tested in this effort - lateral countermeasures and longitudinal countermeasures. Lateral countermeasures are designed to prevent run-off-road crashes in which the vehicle drifts from its lane because of driver inattention or because the driver relinquishes steering control due to drowsiness, intoxication or some other medical condition. Technology tested in this category included forward and downward looking vision systems for sensing the vehicle's lateral position on the roadway. Longitudinal countermeasures are designed to prevent run-off-road crashes in which the vehicle departs the road due to excessive speed for the roadway geometry or pavement conditions. Technology tested in this category included a combination of Global Positioning System (GPS) and digital maps for sensing the distance to, and the severity of, upcoming curves. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 50619 [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1995, VII + 105 p. + 2 app., 38 ref.; DOT HS 808 501

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