SafeTE final report.

Engström, J. & Mård, S.

This report describes the results from the SafeTE project, conducted between 2004 and 2006 by Volvo Technology and Swedish National Transport Research Institute (VTI) under a contract with the Swedish Road Administration (SRA). The objective of the project was to develop and validate a detailed protocol for the evaluation of in-vehicle information systems (IVIS) with respect to their safety of use while driving. The results obtained from application of the protocol are primarily intended to be used as a basis for providing consumers with information about the safety of in-vehicle information systems (IVIS), but also for establishing clearly defined safety criteria for industrial IVIS development. The SafeTE methodology is based on subjective and objective testing in real driving. The subjective part consists of a checklist assessment performed by human-factors experts while the objective evaluation consists of the on-road measurement of the visual and cognitive demand imposed by the system. The checklist evaluation is always performed first and used as a screening tool. If the checklist result does not exceed certain critical criteria, the system is regarded as too badly designed to warrant a further demand evaluation, and the procedure stops. In case the entire procedure is performed, the final output from a SafeTE evaluation is three different 5-point ratings. The visual demand is assessed in terms of eye movement analysis while the cognitive demand assessment is based on performance on a visual detection task. An important aim was to define in the required detail all relevant aspects of the evaluation for example: experimental procedures, assessment scenarios, measurement and analysis methods and assessment criteria. The work in the project was divided into 6 work packages and began with a state-of-the-art review of relevant methods and tools (WP1). This was followed by parallel developments of the checklist (WP 2), the cognitive demand assessment method (WP3), the visual demand assessment method (WP4) and the development of a framework for specifying the evaluation scenarios (WP5). Finally, based on the developments in WP2-5, the first version of the SafeTE methodology was specified and validated in WP6. Based on the results from this validation study, the methodology was updated to the version described in this report. The main output of the project is the SafeTE Specification document which constitutes a detailed "recipe" for how to perform all the steps of the IVIS evaluation, from initial preparations to the computation of the final ratings. The project has also resulted in a number of specific novel methodological developments, in particular the SafeTE Checklist, the Visual Detection Task (VDT) methodology for cognitive demand assessment and new methods and metrics for visual demand assessment. A number of open issues and topics for further research were also identified. (Author/publisher) This report is also available via Internet at


Library number
C 49641 [electronic version only] /83 /91 / ITRD E216625

Borlänge, Swedish Road Administration (Vägverket), 2007, 45 p. + app., 62 ref.; Publication ; 2007:36 - ISSN 1401-9612

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