Safety Performance Indicators: posters for the first SafetyNet Conference

Deliverable D3.5 of the EU FP6 project SafetyNet
Vis, M.A.; Amelink, M. (eds.)

Work Package 3 of SafetyNet deals with Safety Performance Indicators. They measure the operational conditions of the road traffic system. Work Package 3 deals with seven topics: alcohol and drug use; speeds; protective systems; daytime running lights; vehicles; road; trauma management.

This deliverable concerns the contribution of Work Package 3 to the first SafetyNet conference, which was held in Prague on May 10 and 11, 2006. Each topic prepared a poster with an overview of the state-of-play. In this document, these posters are assembled.

Each topic has a preferred indicator, which can be used for measuring safety performance across countries. This indicator is accompanied by requirements that should be met by the data, in order to be able to calculate the indicator. For most tasks, values could be calculated for the indicators by using the available data. Data are not available for all countries and/or all topics.

European Commission, Brussels

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