Schräglagenangst. [Corner fear.] Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt 82.0710 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt.

Scherer, F. Winner, H. Pleß, R. Will, S. Neukum, A. Stanglmaier, M. Bäumler, M. Siebke, C. & Prokop, G.

The aim of the project FE 82.0710/2018 'Corner fear', which is being carried out by the Department of Automotive Engineering (FZD) of the Technical University of Darmstadt (TU-DA), the Würzburg Institute of Transportation Sciences GmbH (WIVW) and Auto Mobil Forschung Dresden GmbH (AMFD), is to analyse the leaning positions of motorcyclists in everyday life and in dangerous situations for as many drivers as possible. On the one hand, it is assumed that there is a type of rider who is afraid of leaning and who avoids exceeding a roll angle threshold regardless of the driving situation. On the other hand, the aim of this project is to analyse the driver‘s internal behaviour when the possible lean angle potential is not being exploited due to the situation. Within the framework of this project, methods for determining driver behaviour in situations where the driver is afraid of leaning and for the methodical determination of a driver type that is afraid of leaning are developed. This includes the design of pseudo-critical manoeuvres to investigate driver behaviour on the test track as well as questionnaires to determine anxious drivers. A further goal of this project is the broad detection of motorcyclists in sloping positions in road traffic. In total, three different measurement concepts will be implemented. The first is based on a measuring motorcycle for test rides in road traffic. The second is based on a smartphone application (app), which was developed within this project. The smartphone application makes use of the sensors integrated in the smartphone. The third concept aims at a stationery measurement technology that can be set up in curves for a certain period of time in order to be able to observe as large a driver collective as possible, albeit with a loss of knowledge of the respective driver‘s interior type and individual driving skills. In the next step, the implementation of the developed concepts in driving tests is discussed. Here, two different pre-defined route sections in the Dresden area and near Würzburg are described. In addition, the implementation of pseudo-critical maneuvers in test track trials in Darmstadt is described. Within the scope of the riding studies in Würzburg and Dresden it could be shown that in everyday life 75% of all driven lean angles are below a threshold value of 25°. Riders with higher reported fear of leaning have lower maximum roll angles and roll angle spectra on average. Furthermore, the first age- and mileage-related dependencies of roll angles could be observed. In the riding tests on closed off terrain, the suitability of the maneuvers for the investigation of cornering fear phenomena could be confirmed. A generally valid reaction to a specific situation could not be proven. The reactions are very individual and depend on the riding style. The sudden appearance of an obstacle in a curve that could not be seen showed strong reactions in the riding behaviour of most riders. In summary, the hypothesis of the existence of a lean angle threshold is confirmed within the project. However, it is not fixed to a certain roll angle value as originally assumed, but rather a personal and individual threshold. It is not undercut in normal situations or in situations of shock, but it is also not clearly exceeded. This means that if a larger rolling angle is required than the personal maximum, there is a risk of leaving one‘s own lane and causing an accident. In this case, a comprehensive study to examine the possibilities of increasing the own lean angle threshold is recommended as possible further work. This could be possible, for example, with innovative training concepts. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20210769 ST [electronic version only]

Bergisch Gladbach, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 2021, 56 p., ref.; Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen : Fahrzeugtechnik ; Heft F 142 - ISSN 0943-9307 / ISBN 978-3-95606-622-1

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