Sweden. [Road safety annual report 2019].


Sweden recorded 221 road fatalities in 2019, a 32% decrease on 2018, and the lowest total since 2000. The basis of Swedish road safety work is Vision Zero. The Swedish government set up new interim targets for 2030, including a reduction in fatalities of 50% and a reduction in serious injuries of 25% based on the average for 2017-19. The action plan for the period 2019-22 includes 111 measures designed to increase road traffic safety. The measures address specific priority action areas such as appropriate speed, sober driving and safe cycling. If the measures described in the action plan are fully implemented, 40-50 fewer fatalities per year could by recorded after 2022. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20210482 ST [electronic version only]

Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD / International Transport Forum ITF, [2019], 17 p., ref.

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