Swindon freight study : assessment of 'no entry except for access' controls.

Cundhill, M.A.

A computer assessment has been made of 'no entry except for access' restrictions applied to goods vehicles over nine alternative gross weight limits in four alternative control areas in Swindon: changes in goods vehicle movements, their environmental effects and their costs have been predicted. It appears that the controls would give modest reductions in the nuisance specific to heavy goods vehicles. Net costs to the community would be low but would be made up from a combination of increased costs to operators and reduced congestion costs to other road users. Restrictions confined to central areas appear unattractive because the same overall benefits could be achieved at less cost with controls on larger areas. Whole town restrictions would give modest benefits at very low cost. (author/publisher) for covering abstract of this seminar see IRRD no. 229391.


Library number
A 1690 (In: A 1626 [electronic version only]) /72 /73 / IRRD 229395

In: The management of urban freight movements : proceedings of a seminar held at Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), Crowthorne, Berkshire, 20-21 May, 1976, TRRL Supplementary Report SR 309 (1977), p. 41-57

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