Two-vehicle side impact crashes : the relationship of vehicle and crash characteristics to injury severity.

Farmer, C.M. Braver, E.R. & Mitter, E.L.

Injury type and severity among front outboard occupants of passenger vehicles struck in the side by another passenger vehicle and recorded in the United States National Accident System Crashworthiness Data System were examined in relation to the location of impact, the angle of impact, occupant gender and age, seat belt use, the weight and body style of the side-impacted vehicle, and the weight and body style of the striking vehicle. Elderly occupants were three times as likely as younger occupants in similar crashes to be seriously injured. Serious injuries were also more likely for occupants seated on the struck side and occupants of lightweight passenger vehicles. After accounting for vehicle weight differences, struck-side occupants of cars were still much more likely to be seriously injured than struck-side occupants of light trucks. However, among occupants seated on the side of the vehicle opposite the impact, the likelihood of serious injury was higher for those seated in light trucks. (Author/publisher)

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C 25198 [electronic version only] /84 /91 /

Arlington, VA, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety IIHS, 1996, 16 p, 17 ref.

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