Using custom transportation data collection software with handheld computers for education, research, and practice.

Bertini, R.L. Monsere, C.M. Byrd, A. Rose, M. & El-Seoud, T.A.

In an effort to facilitate data collection for research, give students firsthand experience collecting data for course projects, and generate interest in the transportation field through outreach, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory of Portland State University, Oregon, has developed custom data collection software for handheld computers using the Palm OS platform. The software is designed to export the collected data to desktop computers in common file formats suitable for analysis in spreadsheet and geographic information systems applications. Data collection problems addressed include recording position over time, recording geographic location of features, and performing cumulative vehicle or pedestrian counts.

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Library number
C 50287 (In: C 41740 S [electronic version only]) IRRD E837513

In: Management and public policy 2005, Transportation Research Record TRR 1924, 2005, p. 37-45

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