Verhoogde snelheidslimieten voor personenauto's op niet-auto(snel)wegen buiten de bebouwde kom ?

mogelijke effecten op de verkeersveiligheid van een verhoging van de algemene snelheidslimiet voor personenauto's op niet-auto(snel)wegen buiten de bebouwde kom van 80 naar 90 km/uur.
Oei, H.-l.

This paper provides an overview of the relevant data on: (1) the current general speed limits on roads outside built-up areas in the Netherlands; (2) the 80 km/h road classification; (3) driving speeds, according to road type; (4) the accident rate, according to road type; and (5) the relationship between driving speed, accidents and speed limit. Based on this overview, the paper considers the possible effects of an increase in the passenger car speed limit from 80 km/h to 90 km/h on 80 km/h roads outside built-up areas. It is concluded that this increase is not advisable, from the traffic safety point of view. However, it is better to lower the current 80 km/h speed limit for the one-lane rural roads with access to all traffic. It is also recommended to develop a differentiated system of general speed limits, particularly below the 80 km/h. However, specific speed limits should be introduced, when a differentiated system of general speed limits is not required.


Library number
C 2896 [electronic version only] /73 /82 / IRRD 867117

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1991, 13 p., 11 ref.; R-91-28

SWOV publication

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