Verkehrsträgerübergreifender Austausch von Erneuerbarer Energie

[Intermodal exchange of renewable energy]
Chvanova, E.; Haller, B.; Leprich, U.; Mayr, U.; Mayr, C.; Oßwald, C.; Altrock, M.; Gemmer, C.; Michaels, S.; Wagner, J.


This report presents the results of the study 'Intermodal exchange of renewable energy'. The study includes solutions for the increased generation and use of renewable energies along road, rail and waterway infrastructure with a focus on road and is divided into five work packages. Based on the evaluation of existing and promising technology fields and the selection of best practice examples, specific technologies in combination with transport infrastructure will be further investigated from a technical, economic and social perspective. Taking into account space potential, technological maturity and cost-effectiveness, photovoltaics on noise protection devices, canopies, roofs and open spaces of various traffic facilities as well as solar thermal energy are particularly promising. Strict requirements and unclear responsibilities are currently hampering implementation the most. For the implementation, PV systems on noise barriers in conjunction with direct delivery to neighboring large consumers are recommended, as well as PV ground-mounted systems on edge areas, especially in the vicinity of larger self-consumers (e.g. ventilation systems/lighting of tunnels) or energy-intensive external consumers (e.g. charging devices). Suitable business models include the self-supply of federal real estate with renewable energies, direct supply contracts with consumers in the immediate vicinity, regional direct marketing and the leasing of land. In addition, a management concept is presented that combines these different options under one roof: The management of a balancing group for the federally owned producers and consumers. Finally, the legal and regulatory framework for the generation, use and marketing of energy from renewable sources along roads is considered. Corresponding contractual regulations for each business model as well as procurement law issues are dealt with. The recommendations for action to politicians are: Both the technologies and the business models with the corresponding legal framework are available to economically use renewable energies along modes of transport and to make the urgently needed contribution to the European and German climate goals. Obstacles can be overcome by quickly transferring experience from pilot to next step projects. The expansion of new projects should start now. Solutions that can be implemented quickly, such as equipping in-house operations with PV roof or ground-mounted systems, should be tackled immediately. For the medium- and long-term dynamics of the expansion, we recommend a roadmap that gradually leads to the goal of zero-emission operation of the modes of transport by 2045 at the latest, but as soon as possible.

Report number
Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Reihe V: Verkehrstechnik
Library number
20230046 ST [electronic version only]
Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, Bergisch Gladbach

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