Why the windshield should be included in motor vehicle inspection (paragraph 29 StVZO - motor vehicle approval and traffic registration code).

Schneider, W.

Windshields are subject to wear and tear which leads to stray light values which, according to legal court demands engender unusually slow speed limits. Windshields must be considered as a wear and tear part insofar as their condition as regards traffic safety is variable and unreliably predictable so that a periodical inspection within the meaning of paragraph 29 of the Motor Vehicle Approval and Traffic Registration Code (=StVZO) is necessary for the preservation of traffic safety. If so, windshields will have to be constructed in a way so that they may be simple to inspect and replace. The paper discusses the reasons behind these demands. (A) For the covering abstract of the conference, see IRRD 837684.


Library number
C 51318 (In: B 30201 [electronic version only]) /91 /95 / IRRD 837772

In: Twelfth International Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 29 - June 1, 1989, Volume 2, p. 785-91, 5 ref.

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