739 documents found.

In the Netherlands, a sustainable road safety approach, in which measures in the fields of Engineering, Education and Enforcement (3Es) are complementary, has been used for decades. Enforcement reduces high-risk road user behaviour and is therefore an important component of this safe system approach.

Published: | Winkel, K.N. de; Christoph, M.; Nes, N. van
Published: | Goldenbeld, C.; Stelling, A.; Van der Kint, S.
Published: (European Road Safety Observatory, European Commission) | Doumen, M.; Vlakveld, W.
Published: (SWOV) | Weijermars, W.A.M.; Bijleveld, F.D.; Bos, N.M.
Published: (European Commission) | Fiorentino, A.; Ahlström C.; Anund A.; Andersson, S.; Bakker B.; Borgarello, L.; Busiello, M.; Cleij, D.; Farah H.; Jansen, R.; Knauss A.; Larsson, K.; Mazza, M.; Ponnambalam, C.T.; Rauh N.; Thalya, P.; Toffetti A.; De Winkel, K.N.; Yuan Y.
Published: | Tinga, A.M.; Zeumeren, I.M. van; Christoph, M.; Grondelle, E. van; Cleij, D.; Aldea, A.; Nes, N. van
Published: (SWOV) | Doumen, M.J.A.; Mons, C.; Kamphuis, K.G.; Boele, M.J.
Published: (SWOV) | Davidse, R.J.; Duijvenvoorde, K. van; Stelling-Kończak, A.; Boele-Vos, M.J.; Hettema, Z.J.A.; Louwerse, W.J.R.