Ajonopeuden liikenneturvallisuus- ja ympäristövaikutukset. [Effects of driving speed on road safety and the environment.]

Kallberg, V.-P. Luoma, J. Mäkelä, K. Peltola, H. & Rajamäki, R.

The study summarises the available information on the effects of driving speed on road safety and the environment. The aim was to collect, condense and update the information from several high-quality studies. At traffic-flow level we examine the effects of mean speed, speed limits and deviation of speed on road safety and the environment. We also look at the optimisation of driving speed in relation to cost. At individual driver level we assess how and why speed affects safety, the consequences of accidents, and the potential of driving style to influence the environment. The main results are illustrated in terms of responses to frequently encountered statements on the effects of speed. (Author/publisher)


20151336 ST [electronic version only]

Espoo, Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT, 2014, 56 p., 59 ref.; VTT Technology 197 - ISSN 2242-122X / ISBN 978-951-38-8191-7

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