Another look at infrastructure solutions.

Boehm, J.

The author of this article considers how to develop solutions for some of the problems facing the development of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). He considers the advantages of examining existing infrastructure, especially systems based on magnetics, more closely, instead of relying on expensive prototype advanced technologies. Guidance of a vehicle without a driver along a road is not easy, and lateral guidance, the ability to monitor and respond to a road automatically, is even more difficult. Magnetic-based guidance is being developed in the USA and Japan, with promising results. For example, 3M's `smart tape', now being tested, integrates a magnetic medium into preformed pressure-sensitive pavement marking tapes that can be magnetised differentially in several ways. It provides more ITS options today, and supports future automated highway efforts. The advantages of magnetic solutions for lateral guidance include: (1) ability to operate in all weather, light and topographical conditions; (2) no power source or special maintenance needed; and (3) low cost. Magnetic options also support Vehicle-to-Roadside Communications (VRC). Where dynamic information is not required and power is not easily available, a smart tape system could usefully supplement an electronic road sign system.

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C 20767 (In: C 20757) /73 / IRRD 890301

In: Traffic technology international '97, p. 104-106

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