Breathalyzer experiences under the operational conditions recommended by the California Association of Criminalists.

Smith, W.C. Harding, D.M. Biasotti, A.A. Finkle, B.S. & Bradford, L.W.

An outline is given of the manner in which the Breathalyzer program for determination of B.A.C.'s from breath samples has been developed to comply with California's law. The program incorporates a blank determination, replicate analyses, and a "blind" reference sample test. Factors relating to the training and supervision of operators, equipment maintenance, and record keeping are discussed.

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13 + 7 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 9349 fo /83.4/

Journal of the Forensic Society, Vol. 9 (1969), No. 1/2 (July), p. 58-64, 1 fig., 2 graph., 1 tab.

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