A comparison of road safety in the Baltic Sea region.

Pihlak, I. & Antov, D.

The aim of this paper is to compare and analyse the road safety situation and traffic behaviour of road users in the Baltic Sea region. EU enlargement took place at 2004 with ten new members, there are also four new countries directly connected to the Baltic Sea- Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Two old and two new members of EU have been selected to compare the road safety situation. Finland and Sweden are the old members of EU and having high motorization and good road safety level characteristics. Estonia and Poland are the new member states of EU having a medium motorization level but relatively poor road safety. The results presented in the paper indicate remarkable differences between old and new EU countries in road safety situation. Estonian Road Administration has set up targets for improvement of safety on roads. Estonian National Road Safety Programme declares that in 2015 the number of fatalities should be decreased by half or from 200 to 100. According to the target set by the Council of State of Finland in 2001 the aim is to reduce the number of fatalities from 400 to 310 by the year 2005. (A). For the covering abstract of the conference see E217780.

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C 45799 (In: C 45677 [electronic version only]) /81 / ITRD E217905

In: Proceedings the 13th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents, Warsaw, Poland 5-7 October 2005, 9 p., 11 ref.

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