Congestion survey.

Hallenbeck, M.E. & Le, T.

WSDOT recently installed sensors on I-5 and SR 512 that greatly improved the amount and quality of traffic congestion data available in and around Tacoma and Olympia. This report examines the public’s use of WSDOT’s traveler information services providing that enhanced information to the public. It reports the results of an Internet survey that obtained the opinions of individuals who seek information on WSDOT’s traveler information website. The survey results indicated that respondents find considerable value in the traffic congestion in formation WSDOT provides and believe that the Department should continue to expend funding on roadway traveler information. The report also describes the range of mechanisms survey respondents used to obtain freeway congestion information and describes the ways that individuals put that information to use once they have obtained it. (Author/publisher)

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20130426 ST [electronic version only]

Olympia, WA, Washington State Department of Transportation DOT, Research Office, 2013, V + 15 p.; WSDOT Research Report ; WA-RD 794.1

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