De luminantietechniek in de straatverlichting.

Schreuder, D.A.

Luminance technique is particularly important in lighting roads for high-speed traffic. The incorporation of luminances in quality criteria demands a special approach of street lighting problems. The luminance theory leads to three quality criteria for utilitarian road lighting: mean level of road-surface luminance; the measure of non-uniformity of luminance distribution; the measure of discomfort glare. These three criteria and their correlations are discussed. By luminance technique we mean the practical application of this theory involving amongst others the influence of reflection characteristics of the road surface, the construction of lighting fittings, methods of computation and measurement of luminances. (Author/publisher)

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20180088 ST [electronic version only]

De Ingenieur, Vol. 76 (1964), No. 30 (24 juli), p. E89-E99, 16 ref.


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