Detection distances to obstacles on the road seen through windscreens in different states of wear.

Helmers, G. & Lundkvist, S.-O.

The importance of windscreen wear for driver visibility in vehicle lighting has been studied. Windscreen wear is related to the straylight level of the windscreen. Light measurements of straylight levels in windscreens were carried out by a special instrument and by a laboratory method. Detection distances in vehicle lighting to targets on the road were studied in a series of full-scale experiments. In these experiments opposing situations between two vehicles on the road were simulated. The windscreens were exchanged between trials. (Author/Publisher)

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C 19017 S /91 / IRRD 820405

Linköping, Swedish National Road and Traffic Research Institute VTI, 1988, III + 32 + 21 p., 18 ref.; VTI rapport 339A - ISSN 0347-6030

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